Friday 13th was not an unlucky day for us - with bright blues skies and a fantastically creative bunch of artists and visitors to the two sketch walks today. The morning was all about setting the scene and visiting some little known parts of Newcastle. Many of the people on our walks hadn’t ever been to some of these locations. And yet, Newcastle is such a small place. But it is also packed full of amazing architectural detailing and artistry.
Our first stroll was through some lesser well known streets to the former co-operative depot - now the Discovery Museum. Along the way we will explore some of the former retail powerhouses of the past including: Wengers Department Store on Grainger Street; Western Dairies; Charltons Bonds and Goldsmiths' "other store". On the walk you will be able to explore, sketch and photograph the buildings which you will illustrate in your own chapbook. Our other group took in the Assembly House on Westgate Street was where Charles Avison 1709-1780, composer, held his first public subscription concert in this building in 1735. There is much else to enjoy on Westgate Road including some interesting Baroque buildings and the former offices of James Crossly Eno, the inventor of Eno’s Fruit Salts.
Our base in the Creative Central hub was perfectly placed to create a vibrant space with some fantastic buskers playing a wonderfully melodic soundtrack for us.
Next Steps
We hope that people from each day would complete their chapbooks and bring them back for us to scan and create an exhibition which will be exhibited in the Grainger Market. A great way for everyone - artists and non artists - who took part to have their artwork displayed in public and hopefully inspire everyone who loves Newcastle to love it even more.
If you have a completed piece of work please send it to us - use the form to contact me to see how to take part in the exhibition.
One of the visitors - a non artist - left us with a lovely piece of artwork which sums up a day of creativity and fun.